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Dec 22, 2020

Watch out now. Amazon is officially in the Internet service business with their Kuiper project. In this episode, learn how their doing it and what this means for everyone effected.


Thoughts or feedback? Text me at 725-500-5132 or go to Don't forget to hit me up on social media...

Dec 15, 2020

Today's podcast involves a new quarterly format for 8x8 cloud communication customers. You'll get a brief overview on the company's progress in the market for Q2 2021 (if you don't want to sit through an entire quarterly earnings call, this is for you). In addition, I'll focus on the technology that's most applicable...

Dec 10, 2020

Verizon finally introduced it's nationwide 5G network in conjunction with the iPhone 12. This episode breaks this down as well as other updates occurring on this network.


Text me at 725-500-5132 or visit to leave a comment. Don't forget to hit me up @jahmalabbott on all...

Dec 3, 2020

In this episode I share my first keynote speech about developing your communication super powers. Hope you take away a few nuggets from this talk. 


Let me know what you think. You can now text me! 725-500-5132 or leave feedback at

8x8 Work MMS Support

Nov 10, 2020


I've really enjoyed the ability to send and receive text messages from one work number.


What held me back from fully embracing my 8x8 number was the lack of MMS support. 


What's MMS? You know, it's the ability to attach pictures to text messages.


There's no doubt in anyone's mind that we're a message first...